Leyendas Del Mundo Hispano

Resumen del libro:

libro Leyendas Del Mundo Hispano

This unique collection of 10 interesting, accessible Hispanic legends from Mexico, Colombia, El Salvador, Spain, Puerto Rico, Argentina/Paraguay, and the United States is designed to enrich readers immersion into Spanish and Hispanic culture on multiple levels. Its contextual approach to the legends, reading process and strategies, and comprehension and extension activities 1) help readers grow both in language skills and general communication and problem-solving skills, and 2) help them identify cultural universals and culturally unique values and to compare and connect their own cultural reality to the legends. Accompanying taped, told versions of the legends enables readers to hear the musicality and drama of the stories. Features interesting, accessible readings with universal themes–e.g., questions of money, power, honor, and revenge, fidelity and courage, star-crossed lovers, good and evil, friendship and good will, the futility of the search for imagined treasure. For anyone interested in the Spanish language or Hispanic literature.

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