Teología De La Revelación

Resumen del libro:

libro Teología De La Revelación

God has broken his silence and revealed in Chirst his design for humanity, an unprecedented design of entering into a communion of life with them. This is what revelation is all about, revelation as a decisive event in the life of faith and as the foundation of any theological research. The study of revelation is a priority, both from an apologetical viewpoint (reflecting on its fact and signs) and from a dogmatic viewpoint (as it attempts to discover its nature, dimensions, and depth). This work is a contribution to the dogmatics of revelation. It seeks the understanding of faith based on Scripture and Tradition, as well as on the preaching and liturgy of the Church. Moreover, it gives some answers to present-day concerns, as the Word of God is given back the preferential place it deserves in our Christian faith and life. This book is also concerned with ecumenism, for all Christian denominations consider the Word of God as one of its key elements, the foundation of spiritual life and theological thinking.

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