Alliance Of Civilizations

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libro Alliance Of Civilizations

The Alliance of Civilizations was launched by the UN in 2005, with the co-sponsorship of the Governments of Spain and Turkey, with the aim of promoting a broad consensus across nations, cultures and religions based on the belief that all societies are bound together in their humanity and interdependent in their quest for stability, prosperity and peaceful co-existence. This publication sets out the report of the High-level Group established to make consider the rise in cross-cultural polarisation and extremism, particularly between Muslim and Western societies. The Group was made up of twenty prominent leaders in the fields of politics, academia, civil society, international finance and media from all regions of the world. Amongst its findings, the report argues that tensions across cultures have spread beyond the political level into the hearts and minds of populations and it makes a number of recommendations to address this problem, based on four thematic areas relating to education, youth, migration, and the media.

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