Handbook Of Normative Data For Neuropsychological Assessment

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libro Handbook Of Normative Data For Neuropsychological Assessment

Although several books on the administration and scoring procedures for tests are available to neuropsychologists, the Handbook of Normative Data for Neuropsychological Assessment is the first reference to present and critique the available normative data for the most common neuropsychologicaltests: Trail Making, Color Trails, Stroop, Auditory Consonant Trigrams, Boston Naming, Verbal Fluency Tests, Rey-Osterreith Complex Figure, Rey Auditory Verbal Learning, Hooper Visual Organization Test, Seashore Rhythm, Speech Sounds Perception, Tactile Performance, Finger Tapping, Grip Strength(Dynamometer), Grooved Pegboard, Category Test, and the Wechsler Memory Scale (WMS, WMS-R and WMS III). Informative tables throughout the book guide clinicians to the sets of normative data that are best suited to their needs, depending on the age, sex, educational level, handedness, IQ andethnicity of their patients, and highlight the advantages associated with using data for comparative purposes. Those using the book have the option of reading the authors critical review of the normative data for a particular test, or simply turning to the appropriate data locator table for quicktest interpretation. This book will be welcomed by practitioners, researchers, teachers and graduate students as a unique and valuable contribution to the practice of neuropsychology. No other volume offers such an effective framework for the critical evaluation of normative data forneuropsychological tests. The authors host a website, www.NormativeData.com, which is a resource site for clinicians and researchers interested in norms and normative research. They post corrections to the book, updates of recent normative studies not included in the first edition, and other announcements and links ofinterest to the neuropsychologist.

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