Patagonia Gwlad Estron

Resumen del libro:

libro Patagonia   Gwlad Estron

Patagonia: one mans fascinating vision of the present, which is ever mindful of the past. Weaving harsh yet beautiful landscapes with faces that are hard to forget around a central presence of Welsh communities and culture on a far continent, this is a living memoir of life in Patagonia at the beginning of the twenty-first century. Settlers from Wales famously moved to this corner of Argentina to establish a colony in 1865, and now the fourth and fifth generations carry on the story of a unique chapter in Welsh history. In a trilingual volume of striking photographs, Ed Gold shows his talent for recording all aspects of life. Inspired by his interest in Wales, and in documenting the lives of people connected to historically important culture, he spent two and a half years creating a significant body of work in Patagonia.

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