Intervenciones Arqueológicas En Mas Gusó (gerona)
Resumen del libro:
This report on investigations carried out at the site of Mas Guso in Gerona, not far from the north-east coast of Spain, reveals a complex site with a series of occupation phases spanning thousands of years. The earliest detected occupation levels date to the Final Neolithic/Chalcolithic period followed by a period of abandonment until the end of the Bronze Age. The pre-Roman and Roman phases reflect an important site which supplied the local area and had contacts with the Mediterranean world from the mid-6th century BC. This volume looks in particular at the Iron Age history of the site and the material found, and at the Roman villa built in the 2nd century. Spanish text.
Ficha Técnica
- Autores del Libro: Jordi Merino Josep Casas I Genover Victoria Soler Fuste
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